Friday, November 11, 2011

Ford Fiesta

      Production of Ford Fiesta for the North American market started in May 2010. Ford planned to have cars available for sale soon after in summer. On June 18, 2010, it was reported that although dealers took deposits from over 2,000 customers for Fiesta and placed large orders as the car was heavily marketed, dealers and customers had not received cars that they expected to have arrived weeks ago in May. In July, Ford said initial shipments were delayed for up to two weeks by Hurricane Alex that hit Northern Mexico in late June, and subsequently by Tropical Storm Bonnie. As a result of the delays, Ford sent out US$50 gift certificates. By August 2010, Ford delayed some shipments because of a 'quality problem'. Ford claimed the issue was fixed and it was unlikely cars with defective parts would reach customers.

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta

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